Ich bin einfach nur noch fertig. Und ich ärgere mich darüber, wie sehr mich der ganze Kram mitnimmt. Das ist es einfach nicht wert. Aber es tut trotzdem weh, denn ich bin sehr verletzt worden. Und das ist nicht so einfach wegzustecken...
I have come a long way where I started from
but I'm still not even close to where I'm going
and now I can no longer see the shine
that has been lighting up my way
I cannot feel its glowing
The fire in my heart is dying
and the zeal I had is gone
This path that I've chosen's a rocky one
Long, hard and frozen it has become
Each turn that I've taken on the way
has only led me back to hell
I am dying down growing weaker now
It could seem that I'm doing fine
but I'm broken to little pieces deep inside
Why did I ever choose to go this way
The question I keep asking myself all the time
I guess it was my instinct for self-destruction
that pointed me down this way
The fire in my eyes is dying
and the dream I had is gone
This path that I've chosen's a rocky one
Long, hard and frozen it has become
Each turn that I've taken on the way
has only led me back to hell
I am dying down growing weaker now
It could seem that I'm doing fine
but I'm broken to little pieces deep inside
by Sentenced
Aber ich komme schon drüber weg. Irgendwann. Es ist einfach hart einzusehen, dass man sich so hat blenden lassen. Aber das passiert mir hoffentlich nicht so bald nochmal...
I have come a long way where I started from
but I'm still not even close to where I'm going
and now I can no longer see the shine
that has been lighting up my way
I cannot feel its glowing
The fire in my heart is dying
and the zeal I had is gone
This path that I've chosen's a rocky one
Long, hard and frozen it has become
Each turn that I've taken on the way
has only led me back to hell
I am dying down growing weaker now
It could seem that I'm doing fine
but I'm broken to little pieces deep inside
Why did I ever choose to go this way
The question I keep asking myself all the time
I guess it was my instinct for self-destruction
that pointed me down this way
The fire in my eyes is dying
and the dream I had is gone
This path that I've chosen's a rocky one
Long, hard and frozen it has become
Each turn that I've taken on the way
has only led me back to hell
I am dying down growing weaker now
It could seem that I'm doing fine
but I'm broken to little pieces deep inside
by Sentenced
Aber ich komme schon drüber weg. Irgendwann. Es ist einfach hart einzusehen, dass man sich so hat blenden lassen. Aber das passiert mir hoffentlich nicht so bald nochmal...
whisperwind - 5. Dez, 03:07
Klingt nach
Man kann aber der 2 ein bißchen auf die Sprünge helfen, indem man sich all das vor Augen hält, was sie/er einem angetan, womit verletzt hat.
Dazu gehört aber ein bißchen Mut.
Den Mut...